Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leap Day

It's been a week since my last blog post.  Hard to believe how time flies!  Things have been so crazy, but in a good way.  Work has been extremely busy.  February was a great month.  I picked up two nice commercial accounts and a fair amount of personal lines business as well.  It's been great!

On the fitness front, I managed 12 miles with the dogs, 2 good days of running, and 1 good day on the bike last week.  Started increasing my upper body workouts, and maintaining my core workouts.  Already have 2 runs in this week, with a definite run coming tomorrow and possibly Friday as well.  My miles with the dogs are lagging a bit behind, but will pick up over the weekend.  I need to get some additional miles in before my half marathon gets here in two and a half weeks!

Girls are doing great.  My youngest daughter slept the night through 3 of the past 4 nights, so I can't really complain.  Their development every day is incredible, and there is nothing more rewarding than being a father and watching your children grow.  I wouldn't trade it for the world. 

Have a great evening!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Ash Wednesday

I managed to get out at lunch and get 2.5 miles on the treadmill.  Shameful considering it is February and it was 60 degrees outside.  At least I got some exercise in.  Got a little core work in early today, and will get another mile with the dogs tonight.  Need to step up mileage for the next few weeks preparing for the Shamrock Half Marathon.  Tomorrow will be a good day for a long run, and Friday looks promising as well.

Things are staying busy at work.  I picked up another auto policy today and sent out a quote for renter's insurance and an auto policy.  Need to get a life insurance quote out to go along with those two, and I will be fairly well caught up.  Have a couple commercial prospects in mind, just need to line up a face to face soon. 

Other than not sleeping, my daughters are doing great.  My youngest had me awake at 3:30 this morning.  Pretty tough to get back to sleep when you know you have to get up at 5:00 anyway.  Hopefully this will pass someday soon, but I am so used to it, I will probably wake up anyway.  As long as they are healthy, I can deal with the lack of sleep.

Off to church tonight for Ash Wednesday service at 7p.m.  Quick dinner and head there for a short service. 

Have a great evening!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Fastnacht Day

Happy Fastnacht Day!  Another fairly busy day in the insurance industry in Gettysburg.  I finished up an auto policy for a friend from my church, sent out 2 new quotes for auto insurance, and am working on another commercial quote.  Things are hanging in there.

Got some good time on the bike and good strength training in yesterday, and I'm looking forward to more of the same tonight.  I didn't get a chance to get to the gym over lunch today, so hopefully tomorrow will be a better day for that.  I hear the bike calling my name again tonight, along with a couple miles with the dogs. 

My daughters had a great evening until bed time rolled around.  My youngest daughter decided at 11:00 that she didn't want to sleep anymore and was awake for the better part of 2 hours.  I don't feel as bad today as I thought i would, but I'm not nearly as energetic as I normally would be. 

Have a great evening!

Monday, February 20, 2012

President's Day

What was going to be a rough enough Friday night umpiring an overnight tournament turned into an extremely long night.  Not only did I umpire my 7 straight games, my replacements misread the schedule and didn't show up until 10a.m.  Me being too nice to say no, agreed to do an additional 2 games while I was there.  9 straight games and no sleep since early Friday morning, and I was pretty well spent.  I managed the drive home safely, and was able to get a 2 hour nap in before my girls were up from their naps and ready to go.  Thankfully it was pretty good ball being played and all the guys I umpired with were very good umpires.

Needless to say after all the umpiring, there wasn't a lot of time for a cardio workout this weekend.  I did manage 11 miles with the dogs for the week last week, and will most likely get even more this week since my wife's knee is bothering her.  Got off to a good start today with 2.5 miles on the bike and some really good strength training already today.  Plan to hit the treadmill tomorrow.

On the insurance front, I picked up another auto policy today, and will finalize it tomorrow.  Quotes rolling back in for the commercial account I'm working hard on right now.  A few other prospects in the pipeline, so we will see what we can pull together this week.  District sales meeting on Thursday morning to see what is going on for the upcoming months. 

Girls are both healthy and doing well and sleeping!  Nothing like those smiling faces first thing in the morning to get your day going.

Have a great evening!

Friday, February 17, 2012


My umpiring schedule continues to evolve as the day progresses.  I now don't have to start until 11:15p.m. and have 7 consecutive games finishing my last scheduled game at 6:45.  Should be an interesting evening.  I'm sure my 2 year old and 1 year old daughter will take it easy on me tomorrow since I won't have slept!

Busy day in the insurance world in Gettysburg today.  Sent off the rest of a good size commercial quote today, and had an appointment for homeowner's insurance and another for home and auto insurance.  Looking forward to getting out a little Sunday and networking.

Running has been pushed back again today due to being too busy and saving energy to umpire 7 games tonight.  I will get some walking in with the dogs, but will let my umpiring serve as most of my exercise tonight. 

Have a great weekend!


Good morning everyone!  Both daughters slept the night through last night after coming down with a stomach virus and vomiting most of the day yesterday.  The joys of parenthood!  Both are doing much better today and rebounded very quickly.  Just hoping I don't catch it. 

Needless to say with no sleep the night before and tending to sick children, yesterday was more or less a rest day from any fitness.  I did manage 3 miles with the dogs and some light upper body training, but not much.

Before my oldest daughter got sick, I did manage to send off a quote for a nice commercial policy I'm working on and got confirmation on a home and auto policy for later today.  Glad to be staying busy!

Finally, I got a call asking if I would umpire tonight.  My first game is at 10:00p.m.  I have six games scheduled, the last one being at 6:45a.m.  Should be a fun day with the kiddos tomorrow on no sleep. 

Have a great day!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Another busy day in the insurance industry in Gettysburg.  I picked up another really nice commercial quote today to work on.  I'm very happy about the opportunity to write this one.  Also picked up another homeowners insurance quote along the way.  Followed up with potential life insurance clients and am working on a meeting with them later this month.  Things are moving right along.

Girls are doing great.  Both healthy and doing well, and for once slept the night through.  That was a blessing as my wife and I were getting pretty run down the past week or so.  It is awesome every day to watch their development.  Such a blessing.

Got a little workout in early today.  All strength training, no cardio, but will make it a point to hit the bike tonight.  Tomorrow will be a 5 mile run and maybe some additional time on the bike.  I will see how the day plays out, but Thursday is generally my big workout day. 

Have a great evening!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day

First and foremost, Happy Valentine's Day to my wife and 2 daughters.  Great day dropping them off at daycare with treats for their friends and the staff.  Looking forward to a nice quiet evening at home with them.  Last night was a bit rough, my youngest daughter was up 4 times during the night for no apparent reason.  Hoping for better sleep tonight.

On the fitness front, managed a 2.5 mile run at lunch time today.  Did get some core and lower back work in too early in the morning and over lunch too.  It's been a pretty good day in that respect.  A mile with the dogs tonight and maybe a little time on the bike, but I won't get my hopes up too high.

Still busy on the insurance front in Gettysburg.  Another set of quotes for home and auto insurance sent out today, along with confirmation on a homeowners and a life insurance policy.  Things are progressing nicely this week.  Hope it continues.

Have a great evening and enjoy what is left of Valentine's Day!

Monday, February 13, 2012


Let me start today by saying how great a weekend I had with my girls.  They were both so well behaved and a pleasure all weekend.  I had to come to the office on Saturday morning for a commercial insurance appointment and they were both very well behaved here while I was working(with Mommy's supervision of course).  Then  we took care of our grocery run and banking.  When we got home they ate some lunch and both took a good nap.  Came back to Gettysburg to watch the womens basketball game where they were both very well behaved again.  Went to church yesterday and then spent the rest of the day at home with them.  It was a great weekend.

On the work front, things have been very busy.  Today was sort of a catch up day, but I did manage to quote a life insurance policy and a new commercial policy.  I finished up the policy from Saturday, and am finalizing a homeowners policy for tomorrow and one for Friday.  Looks like it might be another busy week.

From the fitness end of things, it wasn't my most productive weekend, but it wasn't bad either.  I finished up my week with my usual 10 miles with my dogs, and jumped on the bike for 5 miles yesterday.  I managed some good upper body strength building over the weekend.  Back on the bike tonight and back on the treadmill tomorrow. 

Have a great evening!

Friday, February 10, 2012


Another busy week in the insurance industry in Gettysburg this week.  8 new policies and a lot of service work for some new commercial clients.  Things have been good, and I hope it continues. 

I managed 4 miles on the treadmill yesterday, 6 miles on the bike, 2 miles with my dogs, and a good core workout.  I felt really good today, and was hoping to get to the gym for another good workout, but ran out of time.  I will get a mile in with my dogs tonight, and maybe hit the bike in my basement for a few miles.  I really need to get another longer run in this weekend sometime.

Daughters are doing great.  Had a wonderful evening with them last night and I'm looking forward to a great weekend with them.  I think we are going to go to the Gettysburg College basketball game tomorrow. 

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Another busy day today.  I had a lot of service work to do for some policyholders.  I got a committment on a new auto policy from my prospects from late in the day yesterday, as well as picked up two more prospects while I was out this afternoon.  Busy, busy, busy.  Just got off the phone with a couple who is building a home that I need to get a quote out to asap.  I really hope this continues.  It makes the week fly by, and keeps me very busy.

Shamefully, I haven't run since last Thursday.  I will be back on it tomorrow for at least a 4 mile run, possibly even 5 miles.  Logging plenty of miles with my dogs, but that just isn't the same as running, but is just as enjoyable.

Girls are doing great.  Both healthy and slept the night through last night.  That was a refreshing change.  My youngest daughter is expanding her vocabulary every day, and it is just great to point things out around the house and have her repeat the words.  The milestones for infants/toddlers are amazing.  There is nothing more rewarding than being a father.

Have a great evening.  Go Heels!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


No running today.  I skipped the gym to go visit my sick Grandmother in the hospital.  Priorities!  Strength training in the early morning, maybe a little more tonight and another mile on tap with the dogs tonight.

Busy day in the insurance world for me today.  I wrote 5 policies for an old friend today, home, auto, umbrella, and 2 rental properties.  I have another auto insurance policy coming tomorrow and a few other quotes hanging out there to follow up with.  I hope this continues.

Girls are doing great.  My youngest has been on a roll with the word "NO" and I'm struggling to break her of it.  I'm very happy she is verbalizing, now we just need to get the vocabulary expanding quickly. 

Have a great evening!

Monday, February 6, 2012


A busy day in the gettysburg insurance world today.  I had a lot of service work to take care of today for some of the recent policies I've written.  On top of that, I have 5 policies to write tomorrow, and then another auto policy I picked up for later in the week.  Make hay while the sun shines!

Got up early with my youngest daughter today.  I managed a little strength training, but nothing significant.  I did get 7 miles in with the dogs this weekend and some swimming time with my oldest daughter, but no great cardio workout. 

My girls are both doing well.  Growing quick!  My youngest daughter has learned the word NO, and seems to want to use it frequently.  Trying times ahead I'm sure.

Have a great evening!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Super Sunday

What a week it was.  Working my tail off on this commercial account all week, another commercial auto policy, 2 personal auto policies, and a homeowners policy.  Good week in the insurance world for me.  Had a great day with my daughters yesterday and even got to go swimming with my oldest daughter in the afternoon.  Cooked all day today so far, and getting ready to relax before the big game and get recharged for what will hopefully be another busy week.

Exercise routine was good again this week.  Extended my runs a little bit, still got all my miles in with the dogs again this week, and managed some good strength training days as well.  Looking forward to an even better workout week next week. 

Until next time, enjoy the big game.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Groundhog Day

A very good day, but a busy one.  I did manage to get 4 miles on the treadmill and a mile and a half on the bike, and a short workout in before the girls got awake today.  1 Mile in with the dogs already as well.  Productive day for exercise.

I went and helped with Military Honors with the Adams County Allied Veteran's Council today.  We had 2 funerals at the same time so I was worried they would be a bit shorthanded and figured I better go and help.  It's always good to see the guys and catch up.

Finished up the commercial account I've been working on all week.  Now the service work begins on it.  i have an appointment for home & auto insurance tonight.  Life insurance application sent off as well.  Very busy work week for me.

Girls have been nothing shy of great!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


I managed to get a much needed run in on the treadmill over lunch, but felt guilty that I didn't run outdoors as nice as it is outside.  I got a lower back and ab workout in as well.  I feel so much better after that, and seem to be able to focus a little better on everything.

Girls are doing great and even slept the night through last night.  Looking forward to another great family night tonight.

Work has been very busy.  Picked up a nice commercial account this week, and I have a lot of service and catch up work to do with that.  Also added another personal auto policy today and sent out a few life insurance quotes.  It's been a busy week.

The Adams County Allied Veterans Council has 3 funerals in 2 days to take care of.  I will be helping as much as I can providing military honors during these funerals.  At least the weather has been good.