Monday, April 23, 2012

Snow in late April

What a crazy weather pattern we are in.  Snow flurries tonight after it was 75 degrees here on Saturday.  12-18 inches of snow forecast within two hours of here.  Hope everyone stays safe. 

I managed 5 miles with the dogs over the weekend even though the weather wasn't the greatest.  Added in some decent strength training, but missed out on any great cardio work.  Still a positive weekend and I'm looking forward to 3 miles tomorrow, 4 miles Thursday, and my 5 mile run on Saturday.  Should be a great week and a nice test on Saturday morning!

Work started out well this week.  Picked up a homeowners insurance policy and an auto insurance policy, and picked up a couple commercial quotes today also.  I have another auto insurance policy lined up for later in the week.  Looks like a good time ahead anyway. 

I had a great weekend with my girls.  Friday night we went to the neighbors and played on their swingset and rode bicycles and just had a great time outside.  Saturday I had them to myself in the morning and we were able to play outside for a while before I had to go umpire.  Pappy, Nana June, and Aunt Justine were babysitting and giving four wheeler rides and the girls were just in their glory!  Had a nice relaxing evening with them on Saturday night, including grocery shopping where they were just angels.  Sunday it was off to church and then some work around the house.  Finished up the day with a trip to DQ for some ice cream.  A great weekend all in all!

Have a great evening!

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