Tuesday, January 29, 2013


January was moving right along as a great training month for me.  My weekly mileage was up, my strength training was up, and I finally got my stationary bike back out for some additional cross training.  After a great workout Wednesday, and some additional miles with my dogs due to my wife having a sinus infection, I was feeling pretty good about my month of training.  That all came to a halt on Friday morning when I was dropping my daughters off at daycare.  For whatever reason, they both decided they wanted to be carried in on Friday.  When I knelt down to pick them both up at the same time, I felt a very bad "twinge" in my lower back.  It bothered me a lot throughout the course of the weekend.  I did jump on the bike Sunday night for 5 miles, but it still hasn't felt great.  I'm thinking of trying a run today, just a nice easy run to log some miles.  Half marathon is less than 7 weeks away and I don't want any huge setbacks.  I'm hoping this heals quickly.  If I can get back out there today, I won't have lost that much training time to this injury.

Girls are doing great.  I can't seem to get them to go to bed at a reasonable time, but for the most part they have been great.  I'm looking forward to the next couple days of nice weather where they will get outside at daycare, and possibly a little outside time at home if we can get there before it gets dark.  My oldest daughter has been begging to go for a bike ride. It's hard to say no even when it is bitterly cold outside.  Looking forward to teh nice weather and some good time outside with them!

Have a great evening!

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