Friday, February 15, 2013

On the Road

Lately I've been able to return to outdoor running and it's been very nice.  My pace tends to be greater when I'm outside, usually 30 seconds or more per mile, and I don't feel bad running.  There are no flat runs in my town, so I take the good with the bad.  I've felt pretty good with the hills, and have been using them as a great training tool of late.  I was happy to get a 3 mile run in and have been back to playing some basketball as a little cross training.  The problem with basketball lately is the pain in my knees, shins, and hips the next day.  Not sure how much I will be playing as I approach my half marathon in 4 weeks.  I'm certain I won't be playing the week of the race.  I've skipped the bike a bit lately and just tried to add another run each week.  My distance hasn't increased lately, and I really need to focus on a good longer run each week.  I think I will try to add a mile or mile and a half to my long run each week leading up to the half marathon.  Strength training is still going well.  The weights are helping and I'm feeling pretty good.

Girls are coming down with a cold I believe.  Both have a nasty little cough going right now and I'm just waiting for the fever to start.  There has been a lot of sickness going around their daycare, and we've been fortunate neither of them has caught anything yet.  We're planning to take them to the Mt. St. Mary's basketball game tomorrow.   Less fighting than hockey!  Hoping they stay healthy and get on the road to recovery soon.

Have a great weekend!

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