Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Now that training for races is finished for 2012, it's a good time to get some rest, take a couple short runs each week, and work on getting stronger.  So far December has been good for that.  My running is 2 to 3 times a week averaging between 3 and 4 miles per run.  More importantly, I've been able to get back on the stationary bike a bit and hit the weights.  My focus through this month will be to get stronger, stay in good running shape, and try not to put on weight during all the holiday events featuring plenty of sweets and booze!  Sounds simple enough I guess, but temptation seems to be everywhere.  There are mug club parties, Christmas parties, family gatherings, friends coming in from out of town, and the host of baked goods that tend to make their way to the office.  It's definitely a challenge.

Girls are doing great.  They have started to sleep a bit better,although they seem to be testing me with a later bed time lately.  We need to get them back on track with a reasonable bed time or we are going to pay the price.  They get to see Santa for the first time this year tomorrow night!  Should be a fun evening. 

Helping with military honors at a funeral today.  I haven't helped much since spring due to my work schedule and just being generally busy.  Always good to see the guys in the Honor Guard and catch up. 

Have a great afternoon!

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