Monday, July 2, 2012

Midway through 2012

I started tallying up some fitness numbers from the first half of 2012.  It wasn't quite the first half I was looking for, but it wasn't bad either.  I ran 121 miles, rode 162 miles, and got 245 miles in with my dogs doing a mix of walking and sprinting with them.  I haven't started to add up the weight training reps, but I just wanted to get these numbers down so I had something to build on for the 2nd half of 2012.  I completed two races, a half marathon and a 5 miler, and have two scheduled races for this fall, a 10K and a half marathon.  I'm looking to add another event, but I'm not sure what it may be yet.  My two scheduled races are only three weeks apart, so it would be nice to get something scheduled for later in the year, maybe back to a turkey trot this year or something a little longer perhaps. 

Work has been great for the past few months.  I've been extremely busy with new business, and maintaining relationships with existing business.  I've enjoyed being busy, and that has produced new leads through referrals.  Things have been great with our home and auto insurance business, as well as our commercial business.  It's an exciting time for me here at the office!

The girls are doing great.  Last week I didn't have to umpire quite as much as usual, so we got to do some fun things together.  Wednesday night we went to Oakside Park and played on the playground, watched the ducks, and then went home and had an ice cream cone together.  Thursday night we went out for dinner with friends, and then I took them to Little Round Top to climb in the castle, the PA monument to climb around on that, and then to Mr. G's for ice cream.  Friday night I took them to the Harrisburg Senators game and they had a blast there, and of course a stop at Bruster's for ice cream on the way home.  Saturday I umpired a lot, but made it home in time for dinner and a movie with the girls.  Sunday I was done early in the day, and actually got to enjoy a nap with my oldest daughter, followed by making dinner together, a trip to the market get some local fresh produce, see the deer, and then a trip for ice cream.  It's a good thing my kids are so active, as it seems like every sentence finishes with "and then we went for ice cream". 

Have a great evening and enjoy the 2nd half of 2012!

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