Friday, September 28, 2012

End of September

It's hard to believe it is the end of September already.  Had a good week of training this week.  I managed to get some good time on the bike Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday.  I got a great 3 mile run in yesterday, and I'm hoping to sneak in a couple miles tonight at some point.  I'm feeling pretty good a little more than a week out from my half marathon.  I'm not going to go out and set a personal record, but I think I will be respectable, or at least I'm hoping to be.  I was hoping for some cooler temperatures and lower humidity, but I'm not sure that is going to happen.  It will just be good to race again.  I haven't run a race since April when I ran a 5 miler coming off a March Half Marathon.  I'm looking forward to this inagural event!  It will be great to take my family on vacation and finish that up with this half marathon!

Girls are doing great.  The shorter days are forcing us inside earlier in the evening, but that is great for family time as well.  I can't tell you how many puzzles I have helped with this week, but it is a lot!  My wife is taking them to Hersheypark tomorrow while I'm umpiring, and I know they are just going to have a blast.  They have been begging me to take them to a carnival lately, and unfortunately carnival season is more or less over here.  They will have a great day at the park tomorrow and I can't wait to hear all about it.

Have a great weekend!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Unintended Break

Last week I took an unintended break from running.  Lots of personal things going on with my family, and I just didn't make a conscious effort to get out and run.  The timing of this was awful considering I have a half marathon in 2 weeks, but my family needs superseded the enjoyment of running.  I'm hoping for a great week of running this week, followed by a shorter than normal "easy" week leading into my half marathon.  I have never run the course, nor do I have any knowledge of it or the surroundings.  I'm just hopeful I can pace myself and have an enjoyable run.  I'm hoping to get 4 good runs in this week, and 2, possibly 3 short runs next week leading up to my event. 

Girls are doing great.  My youngest daughter, who turned 2 last week, appears to be heading into the terrible 2's.  I'm hoping it's just a rough day or two, but I'm not sure.  We were very fortunate with my oldest daughter going through her 2's with little to no problems.  I guess we will just have to wait and see what happens over the next few weeks.  Even with the difficult days, I still wouldn't trade any second of parenthood.

Have a great evening!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Busy, Busy, Busy

First and foremost I will start by wishing my youngest daughter a happy 2nd birthday.  Hard to believe she is 2 already.  Where does the time go?  My daughters have been growing and developing like crazy and it is just amazing to watch!  It's great that they are only a year and eleven days apart.  They play (and fight) together like the best of friends.  It's absolutely the most rewarding thing in the world being a parent.  Nothing gets a day started better than a big smile and a hug from a little one!

Life has been very busy for me lately.  Trying to take care of everyone in my household has been a lot lately, but rewarding nonetheless.  With that being said, I did manage to get 2 great runs in last week, 2 good days on the bike, and some good miles with my dogs.  My strength training was down a bit, but I think that will come back around this week.  I'm hoping to have time to get a run in tomorrow, but we will see what comes up.  This weekend is showing good signs for getting 2 good runs in and some great time on the bike.  My runs were both longer and at a great pace last week, and I'm hoping to build on that this week.  I've been very conscious of my diet lately too, and I think that helps quite a bit.  Half marathon less than 3 weeks away!

Have a great evening!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


It's been a busy week of birthdays for me.  My oldest daughter turned 3 on Saturday, my Dad's birthday is today, and my youngest daughter turns 2 next week on the same day as my father-in-law celebrates his birthday.  Busy times and too much dessert lying around!  I got 2 good runs in last week and managed some decent cross training and strength building exercises to go along with that.  This week has been spent hitting the weights so far, with a run planned for tomorrow and Thursday, and then it is back to umpiring some games this weekend.  I think I would rather be running on the weekend, but I will get some exercise with all the plate gear on all weekend.  If my schedule works out right on Friday, perhaps I will just run 3 days in a row this week.

Girls are doing great.  Bought them both bikes for their birthdays and they seem to be enjoying them quite a bit.  The nice weather is great for getting them outside.  It is just great to see them outside and as active as they are.  Last night my 3 year old decided we should race on the sidewalk while shopping.  It was a blast.  There is nothing better than fatherhood.

Have a great evening, and Happy Birthday Dad!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Kids First

My September running hasn't started yet.  I've been working on a 20 X 20 play area in the back yard for my kids since Saturday, and I've let that be a priority over running.  I'm still getting miles with my dogs in the morning, and plenty of strength training using rakes, shovels, saws, sledgehammers, carrying bags of mulch, stone, and other materials.  After finishing the project last night, it is back to running today.  I'm planning a 4 mile run and hoping the humidity breaks a bit, but i don't believe it is supposed to until the weekend.  The time for my next half marathon is rapidly approaching, and I need to log some miles.  I'm hopeful for another run tomorrow and a good run on sunday also.

Work has been crazy, mostly service work, but a few new policies and that is always a good thing.

Girls are doing great.  Hard to believe my oldest daughter will be 3 years old on Saturday, and my youngest daughter will turn 2 just 11 days later.  Oh how time flies.  We are going to pick out new bikes for them tonight.  They just don't seem to have any rest unless they are outside with us, and they are both getting too big for a tricycle already.  I still say parenthood is the most rewarding experience in life! 

Have a great day!