Monday, April 30, 2012

Last Day of April

Had a great weekend.  Saturday morning started out with two miles with my dogs, followed by my 5 miler at the YWCA.  I ran a great race, set a personal record for that distance, and generally had a good time.  The course had more hills than I am used to, but I was happy with how I performed climbing and descending.  Saturday afternoon my daughters and I caught a nice nap together after I umpired a game, and then got to play and go to the grocery store.  A great day all the way around.  Sunday morning I got up and cooked breakfast for my family, went to church, and then played outside with the girls.  Took my oldest daughter swimming in the afternoon and just had a great time.  The evening was fairly relaxing since my daughters were on opposite nap schedules for the day it was easy to only have to take care of one at a time.  More playing outside and just enjoying time with them.

Work started off a bit slow this week.  Lots of service work today, and just generally a catchup day.  Got a committment on a personal auto policy, have another personal auto policy lined up and two small commercial policies for the week.  Nothing crazy, but at least the calendar isn't empty for the week. 

Girls are doing great.  They are just loving being outside.  Great to see them as active as they are.  My oldest is really taking to her tricycle, and the youngest enjoys rides in the wagon or in her bicycle seat.  We did get about a 4 mile ride in with both girls on Sunday afternoon and took them to the school playground to run out some energy.  Both girls picked up the bat a little this weekend and hit off a tee.  Exciting for me and I hope that continues!  Indoor basketball has been a big hit lately too.  Looking forward to another great week with them!

Have a great evening!

Friday, April 27, 2012

5 mile race tomorrow

Tomorrow will be my first race since the Shamrock Half Marathon in mid March.  I have not been as religious about training for this 5 mile race, but my body feels pretty good.  I ran 3 miles Wednesday and yesterday and felt great.  I jumped on the bike for a couple miles yesterday, and still got some good miles walking and sprinting with my dogs.  I have set a decent goal for myself, but I will just be happy to be out there running.  Most of my training runs are done on the treadmill, so a few of the hills will be a bit of a challenge, but I guess what goes up must come down!

Work was busy in spurts this week.  Lots of quotes hanging out there, and I have a few things lined up for next week, but it was a slow week for closing on some policies.  We will see what next week brings!

Girls are doing great.  My two and a half year old heads for her swingset every night as soon as we pull in the driveway.  I have to push her on the swing for at least 15 minutes, and more or less force her to go in the house to eat dinner.  My one and a half year old follows her big sister right to the playground and climbs right up the ladder and goes down the slide on her own!  She hasn't seemed interested in the swing yet, but I'm sure that will come with time.  I promised my oldest daughter we would go for a swim this weekend, so I'm committed for Sunday afternoon and have been reminded about it every day this week!

Have a great weekend! 

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Got a great 3 mile run in today over lunch along with some core work and upper body work.  I felt great throughout the entire run and wish I had time for more.  I will get another mile with the dogs tonight and a possible bike ride with my daughter.  Working on fall vacation plans around a half marathon and a 10K.  Five miler this Saturday may be chilly and rainy, but will run it anyway as a good fitness test.

I was fortunate enough last night to go and listen to Tony Dungy speak at Messiah College.  He's very much a class act and very inspiring with his faith and the way he went about his coaching career.  His wife opened for him and her work was just as inspiring as his.  When asked who the best players he ever coached were, I was pleasantly surprised at his answer and the reasons he gave for the answer.  Both were great athletes and great players, but they were his favorites for the work they did off the field in the community that set them apart.  Even after their careers ended, they continue to give back to their community in the Tampa area.

Work has been steady.  Picked up a small commercial policy this afternoon, and possibly two more that I made contact with today on a startup business.  Things are moving right along and picking up a bit of late.  I'm hoping for a busy May heading into the summer months.

Girls are doing great and want to be outside all the time.  They were spoiled when the weather was good, and I'm having trouble letting them outside with the recent cool down we've had here.  It's wonderful to be outside with them and let them be active and run and play.  It's going to be a very fun summer with them.

Have a great evening!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Snow in late April

What a crazy weather pattern we are in.  Snow flurries tonight after it was 75 degrees here on Saturday.  12-18 inches of snow forecast within two hours of here.  Hope everyone stays safe. 

I managed 5 miles with the dogs over the weekend even though the weather wasn't the greatest.  Added in some decent strength training, but missed out on any great cardio work.  Still a positive weekend and I'm looking forward to 3 miles tomorrow, 4 miles Thursday, and my 5 mile run on Saturday.  Should be a great week and a nice test on Saturday morning!

Work started out well this week.  Picked up a homeowners insurance policy and an auto insurance policy, and picked up a couple commercial quotes today also.  I have another auto insurance policy lined up for later in the week.  Looks like a good time ahead anyway. 

I had a great weekend with my girls.  Friday night we went to the neighbors and played on their swingset and rode bicycles and just had a great time outside.  Saturday I had them to myself in the morning and we were able to play outside for a while before I had to go umpire.  Pappy, Nana June, and Aunt Justine were babysitting and giving four wheeler rides and the girls were just in their glory!  Had a nice relaxing evening with them on Saturday night, including grocery shopping where they were just angels.  Sunday it was off to church and then some work around the house.  Finished up the day with a trip to DQ for some ice cream.  A great weekend all in all!

Have a great evening!

Friday, April 20, 2012

End of the week

Here we are at the end of another work week.  Not my greatest fitness week ever, but not a bad one either.  I got a great 3 mile run in yesterday, felt great, pace was great, and if time weren't a factor I could have made it a great long run.  Strength training has been going well mixing in core work with upper body work.  I would like to start getting an additional run in each week somewhere along the way, but I won't push it yet.  My 5 miler is next Saturday and judging how I felt yesterday, I feel like I'm ready for a good time. 

Work was busy in spurts this week.  I ended up with 2 personal auto policies, a small commercial liability policy and a commercial auto policy.  Finished up 3 life insurance applications, and quoted 2 new rental properties.  I have a lot of quotes hanging out there, it's just a matter of getting some committments now. 

Girls are doing great.  I think my oldest daughter and I are going swimming tomorrow afternoon when I'm done umpiring.  We haven't done that for about a month and it will be a nice treat for both of us.  My youngest daughter is really getting her feet under her and starting to run more.  It's great to see except when they take off in different directions!  I'm always amazed at their development and enjoy every second with them.  Guess it's time to update some photos here of them.

Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Tax Day

Tax day really has no implications for me, but it seemed like a good title given the spirit of the day.  That being said, the only taxing I will be doing is taxing my legs on a good bike ride with my daughters tonight hopefully.  Back to running again tomorrow.  I'm planning on 3 miles tomorrow and 5 miles Thursday if all goes right.  We will see what happens.  I've been able to continue on the weightlifting and core workouts, but I haven't been able to log the 3 or 4 runs in a week that I would like to.  I did get a few miles on the bike Sunday to break up the weekend a bit, and umpiring Saturday really eliminated any cardio workout.  Still hopeful for the 5 miler next weekend.

Work is suddenly busy again.  Lots of quotes going out and committments slowly trickling in.  Not a bad thing, it gives me a chance to stay caught up with all the paperwork.  I just sent off 2 life insurance policies, with another one on the way on Friday, and I have a commercial auto policy and 2 personal auto policies coming tomorrow.

Last but certainly not least, the girls are doing great.  My youngest daughter had her worst night of sleep in a long time last night, but outside of that, she's been my great sleeper lately.  My oldest daughter is recovering nicely from her sinus infection and has been back to her old self since Sunday afternoon.  I'm enjoying the evenings we get to go outside, it's good for all of us.

Have a great evening!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Back to Running

Finally got back to running on Tuesday afternoon with a short 2.25 miles.  I ran at a pretty good pace and felt great during the run.  My knees were not sore the next day and that was my biggest concern.  Looks like I will be back to regular running again and will hopefully be ready for my 5 miler at the end of the month.  The strength training continues to show its benefits and the cross training on the bike has been great.  If the weather warms back up I will log a lot more evening miles on the bike with my daughters.  It feels great to be back to running after a more or less 2 week layoff.

Work has been up and down.  A good week last week, but things have been a little quiet this week.  Time to get back out and do some prospecting.  It will be nice to get out this weekend and do some networking. 

Daughters have been great.  With that being said, i did have to go to the doctor with my oldest daughter for a sinus infection today, something that should clear quickly.  If it weren't for the fever she spiked, no one would have known she was sick.  She's a trooper.  Youngest daughter is doing great and following right along in her olders sister's footsteps.

Have a great afternoon!

Monday, April 9, 2012

After Easter

Thursday was a great day for exercise.  I got 5 miles in with the dogs and 10 miles on the road bike with hills and wind, it was a nice challenging ride.  Those were the first significant miles I've logged on my road bike in quite some time.  Most of my biking miles are on a stationary bike or on my hybrid bike with one of my daughters riding behind me.  It was fun to get back out and ride. 

Friday was great because it was just me and my girls all day, and then my wife and I got to enjoy some adult time at Hauser Estate Winery in the evening with some friends.  We don't often get to go out without the girls, and we generally only stay out for a couple hours without them, but it is nice to get adult time once in a while.

Saturday I got up and helped my wife set up for Easter dinner with her family at our house.  Then it was off to umpire 5 games of travel ball.  I generally don't wear shin guards at that level because the catchers block everything and I rarely get hit.  When I say rarely, I meant Saturday was the exception, and I took a foul ball right on the bone on the inside of my knee.  Very uncomfortable to say the least, but it was nice to get outside and enjoy the sunshine.

Sunday was just a great day.  Church in the morning, Easter dinner at my Mom and Stepfather's  house complete with an Easter egg hunt for the girls, and then dessert in the evening at my Dad and Stepmother's house complete with another Easter egg hunt.  The girls were just spoiled rotten all day and were just loving every second of being with the family.  I look forward to more holiday weekends with the family.

Today was a fairly steady day at work, and I just had to come back in for a 6:15 appointment to finish up a new application.  Now it is back home with all my girls.  Knees both feel much better and I will DEFINITELY be back to running tomorrow.

Have a great evening!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

4/4 at 4:44

Getting close to the holiday weekend.  Happily my office is closed on Friday and my daughters do not have daycare, so I get the day with them!  I'm looking forward to the long weekend, although I do have 5 games to umpire on Saturday.  Look out Sunday, it will be lots of Ham and everything that goes with it.  I'm sure I will need to eat a lot to have enough energy to chase my daughters around hunting Easter Eggs Sunday.

I managed to get a few miles in on the bike last night with my favorite 32 pound passenger riding with me.  I've also been doing .25 mile sprints with my yellow lab the past few evenings up a slight incline to try and get a little work in.  My knee is still a bit sore, but I'm done trying to rest it.  I'm going to just try to run through the pain and see what happens.  Siging up for a 5 mile race on Aprile 28th.  Gives me something to work toward.  Tomorrow will be a minimum 3 mile run at lunch!

Work has been very busy so far this week.  Lots of property inspections, and six new policies written with four more hanging in the balance, and three potential commercial policies ready to go if I get a committment from the prospective customer.  I'm enjoying being busy and as always, it keeps things interesting. 

My daughters are doing great as always.  The fire siren in our town woke my youngest daughter last night, so unfortunately that broke a great string of nights where she slept the whole way through.  My oldest daughter continues to grow and come up with something new every day.  I can't wait to watch them hunt Easter Eggs Sunday.

Have a great evening!

Monday, April 2, 2012

April Training

After my last short run on Thursday, i still had soreness in my knee.  I decided to take a few days away from running.  I did still manage 10 miles with the dogs last week, and 6 miles on the bike, but didn't want the pounding that running provides on my knee.  Sunday morning after my 2 mile walk with the dogs I was a bit sore again, but feel pretty good today.  I'm anxious to get back to running this week.  I'm hopeful that will happen.  Strength training has continued to go well and I have no problems with that, just miss getting 3 good runs in during a week.

Had a busy day at the office today.  I had to finish up a homeowners insurance policy and an auto insurance policy left from Friday night.  I also got confirmation on two more homeowners policies, and two life insurance policies.  I had a 3:00 meeting regarding four possible commercial policies, and an additional umbrella policy.  April is starting out right!

The girls have been doing great.  My youngest daughter did get up during the night once this weekend, but is still sleeping much better than she has in the past.  They are very much looking forward to Easter and all the family celebrations that go with it. 

Sounds like I may have to umpire 4 games this Saturday.  Tis the season, and it is just the beginning.  Not sure if I will get in as many games as I did last year, but we will see....

Have a great evening!